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Finding Our Light: February Notes

Finding Our Light: February Notes
'Spiraling Light' - Intuitive doodle by NewMoonNadine

Dear dreamers,

Where do I start? The blank page has become an increasingly daunting task to overcome, yet here I am - choosing to write, to hit publish, to step into the sacred work I've set out to do. So let me lay it all bare, trusting that these words will find those who need them most.

✧ Updates from the Journey ✧

I'm excited to share that from February 16th-21st, I'll be immersing myself in the free 2025 Virtual Herbalism Conference.

I've upgraded to the VIP ticket, which includes replays and in-depth resources, while supporting United Plant Savers - an organization dedicated to preserving at-risk medicinal plants and fostering plant conservation efforts.

I'm excited to begin my journey as an aspiring herbalist! While all the presentations sound fascinating, I'm particularly looking forward to 'Role of Herbs in Dreamspace & Conscious Expansion' with Adriana Ayales from Anima Mundi.


I'm bringing back our cherished livestreams on TikTok!

Join me on Sundays, starting February 16th, at 8 PM PST for gentle tarot guidance and heart-to-heart conversations in our virtual space. Whether you're seeking clarity or simply want to connect with our growing spiritual community, there's a place for you here.

Updates on the stream schedule will be posted on my TikTok. Hope to see you there!

✧ A Note About This Newsletter ✧

This weekly letter currently goes by New Moon Notes - a temporary name until the right one reveals itself in divine timing. Here, you'll find a blend of spiritual insights, tarot wisdom, and authentic sharing of my own journey. Consider this our cozy corner for sharing stories and wisdom, with the potential to grow into something even more beautiful through future collaborations.

✧ From My Heart to Yours ✧

I want to share something honest with you: I've been wrestling with self-sabotage.

While my heart pulls me to write, film, and share this creative and spiritual journey, each step toward being more visible brings waves of doubt. Will my voice be too much? Not enough? Too ignorant or too self-absorbed?

If you've ever felt caught between wanting to hide and longing to be seen, you're not alone. That impulse to retreat to the familiar is natural - it's our very human response to resist change.

I'm discovering that these doubts aren't as overwhelming as they first appear. When we sit with them patiently, they often soften into unexpected guidance, showing us exactly where we need to grow.

This letter itself is my small act of courage - proof that our doubts don't have to hold us back. They can instead become kindling for the flames of transformation.

✧ Tarot's Wisdom ✧

Today's message comes from the King of Wands - the master of sacred flame. This card reminds us that our destiny is to use our individual light to illuminate the way for many, creating a brilliant glow of collective awakening.

You, dear dreamer, have a unique legacy to forge. You're a visionary meant to establish new ways after experiencing all the frustrations and inflammations of paths that didn't serve, people that weren't your people, and systems that kept you small instead of inviting you to be all that you were meant to be. You're here to light a new torch - one that burns just right, one that can be tended with wisdom when it grows too fierce.

Until next week!

May you trust the light within,

Nadine of the New Moon

P.S. If this resonates, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Reply to this email or leave a comment to share your own journey with stepping into your light.