Birthing a New You - Collective Tarot Reading

Birthing a New You - Collective Tarot Reading
3-card spread: 1. Prince of Torches 2. Nine of Cups 3. The Tower - deck is The Cosmic Slumber Tarot

I initially pulled today's tarot spread for myself.

As I began interpreting it, I had an uncanny urge to share it with you. This particular reading called me back to my body, reminding me that yes, I am ready to be activated into new projects, energies, and movement.

Even more, it tooted its horn loud and proud, showing me that if I'm feeling the urge to expand, then countless others in this vibration can feel the buzz and anticipation of something new on the horizon too.

To simplify: this reading suggests that over the next 9 months I will be highly engaged in something tempting, something rewarding, and its price to pay: something devastating.

3-card spread with the The Cosmic Slumber Tarot deck

  1. Prince of Torches
  2. Nine of Cups
  3. The Tower

When you follow your impulses, your passions, you are surely to arrive at a point of satisfaction, of bliss, of joy.

In the next 3 months, there will be a moment of time where you are at a climax in life, wishing for nothing, soaking in gratitude and abundance of "life is pretty dang good right now."

Finances can be restored, stability can be found, and productivity feels enriching instead of draining and soul sucking.

We can look forward to celebrating this well-deserved win in about 3 months from now, when it finally blesses us with its grace.

If you're feeling the heat and drive to go to some far-off land, to explore a new weird interest, or to offer your creativity to the collective in a brand new way, this is the time to trust that following this nudge will deepen your joy.

Not only will it connect you to aligned peoples, places, and experiences – it more importantly provides insight into what makes you tick.

By discovering your inner self more sincerely, your recent social masks and roles may come to a sudden standstill.

You can expect to loosen your attachments to outdated versions of yourself, but what comes next is the consequence of such success: an incredible loss around the 6 month mark.

No matter how high you soar, you'll soon realize that you must land in order to rest your wings for the next flight.

When things are going so well, it's only common sense to ride the wave as far as you can.

Yet around the 6 month mark, while you might be on cruise control, basking in the goodness all around, there is likely a shocking event that shakes you to your core.

This calls for an SOS: it can look like needing to move back with the family, being laid off or redundant, or a health incident that can be disabling and isolating for you or someone close.

Cue clenched fists and screaming into the void: "Why me? Why now? Why at all?"

One could guess this is brought on due to complacency, greed, or a blend of taking things or people for granted. Alas, the cards remain silent on this matter.

By the 9 month mark, if you're keeping your eyes and heart open, you'll hopefully see why that SOS happened and recognize the space it created in your life.

This created space won't feel empty and lifeless, though.

Instead, it will inspire you and kickstart a phase of rebirth.

If you're lucky and haven't procrastinated doing The Work™️, you might feel this 6 month mark milestone as a small bump in the road versus the big "ah my life is falling apart" Tower moment.

Consider this point from now to then to be the process of birthing a new you.

This whole period is best suited to attempting new routines and rituals in order to see what nourishes and sustains you best. The more care and sincerity you can invest this time around, the more healthy and intentional the birth of this new self shall be.

Understand that you, like a child habituating their mother's womb, are a product of the environment. You will be raw, vulnerable, and at times overly sensitive to what you are surrounded by.

Take note of the sensations and stimulations you experience, and be mindful of what you consume and engage in. While fun and experimentation is suggested, notice when an activity or interaction no longer feels expansive and instead leaves you feeling disconnected from self.

Either way, anticipate that harsh truths will come in spades, especially around month 6, and while it may hurt, the liberation it offers is an ultimate prize.

If you find yourself in desperation, believing that you have nothing good going for you, we counter with this statement.

"If I have nothing, it is only so because I am preparing to have everything."

Everything you are desiring, so long it is pure and wholesome, you shall have.

Your journey and adventure now relies on your continued trust and faith in the process and the Divine.

If you find resistance in believing that there is goodness awaiting you, shadow work might benefit you now – calling you to uncover the lessons and the gifts that past hardships stubbornly buried, hiding it away from plain view.

Know that life may be painful, but the opposite can be true too. Life can be joyful and at times even heavenly.

When we accept these cycles, we align with the nature of what is and can trade the uphill struggle for the ease of flowing down a calm river at any time.

If we surrender, we can find peace while remaining fully alive.

Are you in the process of recreating yourself, too?

I'm finding myself testing the waters, becoming more bold, and gaining confidence in saying what I want in this lifetime instead of settling for "good enough".

I want GREATNESS, an ABUNDANCE that can be felt and shared for all of us now but also for generations to come.

This is said selfishly because I have sacrificed so much, but I also acknowledge that I wouldn't be here without the sacrifices of my family and the people who came before me.

The desire within me is for ALL OF US to win, and I hope that this personal turned collective reading can give you insight, perspective shifts, or considerations for your own journey ahead.

I'd love to hear how this resonated or if it struck a chord with you.

Let me know by replying or commenting below!

Until next time, take care and be well.


Nadine Ayalah

Miss Ayalah

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